Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Over-Exposure of the Good Guys

Peyton Manning is taking a beating for his interception in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl to seal the win for the Saints.  So I got to thinking, 'Why is a guy that seems to be a great role model on and off the field, taking such a pounding from fans and the media?'  I think the problem is the media itself.  With so many outlets to get information today, we have become overwhelmed.  In the days of radio broadcasts, you eager awaited for the game coverage to begin to hear all about your favorite (and usually local) sports hero.  After the game, your options for more information was usually limited to your local newspaper where maybe there would be a column that day and maybe there wouldn't.  Today, guys like Derek Jeter, Tim Teabow and Peyton Manning are everywhere; commercials, billboards, video games, etc.  Now before a game, the average fan has just heard hours, days or even weeks about how this guy is the greatest to ever play the postion/game.  They have somehow become super-human.  After hearing all your media outlets flood you with their greatness, you can't help but start to believe everything they are saying.  So, naturally when something does go wrong (like an interception to lose the game), we fans feel like we have been duped and betrayed.  We can't believe that we have been lied to or that your 'hero' isn't perfect.
There is no changing the media.  If anything, it looks to get worse.  Sensationalism sells the story.  We as fans, need to keep things in perspective.  We are seeing some of the greatest athletes to ever play the game, but they are still human.  Enjoy them for what they are and be gld you got the chance to see them play.  And most importantly, think before you over react.

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